Frequently Asked Questions
AGM’s are always scheduled on the first Tuesday of August.
Garbage and waste pickup is on alternate Fridays.
See the offical schedule for East Prince here:
Collection Calendar
Blue bag pickup is on the first Friday of the month.
See here for the official scheduler under East Prince
Collection Calendar
Home Owners Association
Briefly and not exhaustively:
- Road maintenace of the subdivision
- Liabity Insurance
- Maintenace of the two community beach accesses
- Mosquito control for marshes
Etransfer (preferred)
The email address for the e-transfer is and the account number is 42037009. When owners do their first e-transfer, they may be required to check the box at the bottom left of the page confirming they are aware DEOA has direct deposit.
Owners wishing to pay by check have two options. They can go into the Consolidated Credit Union (CCU) in Summerside directly and deposit into the Driftwood Estates Owners Association Account # 42037109 or send or drop off their checks to the DEOA Treasurer, Barb Murphy, at 36 Nicole, Seven Mile Bay.
We do not offering a cash option.